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Registration and Tournament Policies

Coaches, Baseball Moms, Team Admin? No worries about what you need to do! We made it easy!

Check out our Tournament Checklist and FAQ's Below

Registration Checklist and Key Dates

Make sure your coaches and admins are correct.

Make sure your

  • Submit Your deposit/payment to guarantee your spot.
  • Deposits are due at registration. You will be moved to the waitlist five (5) days from registration.
  • Full Balance is due 60 days from tournament start date. If not paid, you will be moved to the waitlist.
  • Book accommodations early for best rates and availability.
  • Complete Team Rosters
  • Send roster link to parents/guardians to complete for each child. Coaches are not permitted to fill out non custodial players. Rosters only need to be submitted one time per season,. Updates and Changes may be made right up until Tournament Day.
  • Pre-Order Team Tournament T-Shirts. Must be ordered by Thursday at 12pm one week prior to the tournament.

Tournament Item Check List 
The following items are required in order to play at Sports at the Beach

  • Official Sports at the Beach Roster

Your roster must be updated and or submitted online. 

Awards are only presented to players on roster and in attendance. Maximum of 15 individual awards per team.

  • Insurance Information 

Please upload your team insurance to your team dashboard . It is required to participate.

$10,000 excess accident medical insurance
$1,000,000 per occurrence
$2,000,000 in the aggregate

Sports at the Beach
22518 Lewes Georgetown Hwy
Georgetown, DE 19947

  • Birth Certificates 

You must have Birth Certificates for each player listed on your roster. The COACH must have Hard Copies or Digital Copies in one place in their possession. Parents, Fans & Family having individual copies do not satisfy this requirement. By playing in a tournament you are stating that these are available and in their possession in the event that a protest or request is made. Coaches are responsible for proper documentation. Failure to have Birth Certificates in your possession WILL result in removal of said player or players from the game and they will not be allowed to continue until documentation is provided. The Tournament Director will have full and final say on penalty for not having Birth Certificates.

A tournament director reserves the right to request documentation at any time. Please review game rules and protest policy for further details

  • CABA ( Continental Amateur Baseball Association) Registration

Sports at the Beach is affiliated with CABA. Each team must have a CABA registration number to play at SATB. The CABA registration fee is $30.00 and is separate from Sports at the Beach. At the time of check-in, you will fill out a form for CABA registration and checks can be made payable to CABA-Delaware. The CABA registration is good from - September 1 through August 31. If your team has played at Sports at the Beach during the current season, we have your CABA number on file. If you would like to get ahead of the game here is a link to download the CABA registration form, print & complete this file & turn it in at the welcome center when checking in your team on the first day of your tournament!

Please make sure that your teams Caba Registration is completed before check in at the Gift Shop

Click Here for 2025 Caba Registration Form

Click here for 2025 Release Waiver

Tournament Schedule

An Official Schedule will be posted at check-in. Game times and field locations will be posted on our website at 5:00pm ET the Monday prior to the tournament start. Once the schedule is posted, we make every effort to avoid altering it. however, last-minute circumstances may necessitate a change.

The Main Contact For your team will be notified of any changes. Please Note If Your Account is not paid in full your Team will not be on the schedule.

Tournament Item CheckList 
The following items are required in order to play at Sports at the Beach

TEAM Check In 

Game Day Check-in for the tournament occurs in the Welcome Center located just off the main parking lot. Please review the following procedure: 

  • Only the Head Coach / Team Manager needs to check in their team.
  • Official Game Balls will be distributed at this time. These are all the balls you will receive! Additional Game Balls will be provided for FINAL Championship Games Only!
  • CABA Fee of $30 Cash or Check is accepted, (NO CREDIT CARD ACCEPTED FOR CABA) this fee will be handled during check in.

Tournaments include the following: 

  • Official SATB Baseballs (Pick up at Check-In) 
  • Awards
  • First Class Umpires (ages 8-9-10 will have single-umpire in Pool Play; ages 8-12 will have single-umpire in all consolation games) 
  • Consolation Brackets (Most tournaments advance winners in the Consolation Bracket. Please check your tournament format.) 
  • Batting Cages at Each Field 
  • Spectator Seating & Scoreboards (spectator operated) 
  • Basketball Courts, Playgrounds, and Swimming Pool (No Fee) 
  • Effective 2023 , a team gate fee is charged for each registration, allowing free access for all players, fans, families etc..

Registration Process 

All registrations are to be made using the SATB website. Payments must be made via our website using a credit card, or by using a check made payable to Sports at the Beach and mailed to 22518 Lewes Georgetown Hwy, Georgetown, DE 19947. Lack of, or tardiness of, payment will result in automatic loss of roster position and placement on a waiting list. Your spot is not guaranteed until payment is made in full. 

Payment Policy 

A non-refundable/non-transferable deposit is due within seven (7) days of registration. Full payment must be received sixty (60) days or more in advance of the tournament. If full payment is not received, the team will be placed on the waiting list and could lose the spot to another team.

New registrations within sixty (60) days of tournament require immediate full payment via credit card. 

Date of payment receipt will determine tournament registrant roster.

Sports at the Beach is not responsible if a Credit Card is not accepted or is rejected by our system or by your banking institution. Cash payment is not accepted for tournaments, camps, or dormitories.

Age Determination 

The Sports at the Beach age determination runs from September 1 through August 31 the following calendar year. Sports at the Beach determines the age of a player by an April 30th cutoff. For the 2024 season (September 1, 2023 through August 31, 2024) the age of the player is determined by their age on April 30th, 2024.

To determine the correct age bracket of a player: 

What age will your player be on April 30, 2024? - The answer is the Age Bracket for which your player qualifies. 


No protest will be allowed for judgment calls. Protests will be allowed for rules only and must be decided before restart of play. A $200.00 payment must accompany protest and will be returned if protest is upheld. A protest is only "Official" if accompanied with a $200.00 protest fee and done before the next pitch. The $200.00 fee will be donated to the Special Olympics if protest is denied. The same fee will apply for protests and Birth Certificates; a coach may protest a Player's age before or during a game, the tournament director will ask to see the birth certificate or proper verification, if it cannot be provided the game will stop and the Player or Player's will be removed at that point. The player or players will not be allowed to continue in the tournament until proper verification is given. The $200.00 protest fee will be returned if protest is upheld. 

Game Time 

Teams must be at their assigned field ready to play one (1) hour prior to the game time. Please be advised that games may start early. There is no Infield Practice prior to the games; please warm-up in outfield grass area only. We request all players stay together as a team. We have a very nice concession stand for your convenience, but if you wish to go out for your meal, please report back in time for your next game. We will start early if games are complete, so please be ready to play if we start early. 


When a team registers for a tournament and then does not participate it has a negative impact on the other organizations that have committed to play. 

 We do realize that circumstances beyond one's control can occur from time to time and cannot always be foreseen ahead of time. Therefore, we have instituted a very simple, and what we believe to be fair, cancellation policy.

The cancellation policy for weekend tournaments is as follows: 

Please remember that the deposit is Non-Refundable and Non-Transferable. 

  • all refunds are determined minus the deposit and processing/administrative fees unless otherwise noted.

  • Teams that cancel their tournament registration within 60 days  of the tournament will be refunded their money minus the deposit and processing/administrative fees
  • Teams that cancel their tournament registration within 30 days of the tournament will be refunded 75% their money minus the deposit and processing/administrative fees
  • Teams that cancel their tournament registration within 14 days of the tournament will be refunded 50% of the tournament fee only
  • Teams that cancel their tournament registration within 8 days of the tournament will be refunded 25% of their money minus the deposit and processing/administrative fees 
  • Teams that cancel their tournament registration within 48 hours of the tournament are not eligible to receive a refund.

Cancellation notification should be provided by the initial registrant in written form (e-mail). 

Not being present at tournament check-in is not considered a cancellation; it is considered as a "no-show" and therefore no refund will be due or issued. 

Please note that any money refunded by Sports at the Beach will be done so via credit to the account or the original transaction method used (credit card or check) depending on cancellation type and or specific tournament date rules

Cancellation Due to Inclement Weather 

The safety of our players, coaches and spectators is of the utmost importance to Sports at the Beach and weather related decisions are not made lightly. We will make every effort possible to complete the tournament in the time period allotted. We are not however, able to continue or extend a tournament to another day or weekend. We put our reputation on the line each and every time we run a tournament and we therefore will make every effort possible to see that all games are played and all tournaments completed. 

Sports at the Beach utilizes an automatic calling system to keep coaches updated regarding all weather decisions. In the event of a weather-related delay or cancellation, all coaches will be contacted by this automated system. 

The following guidelines are used for determining account credits due to weather cancellations: 

credits are determined after processing/administrative fees, which are not refundable. 

  • 0 Games Played: 100% Credit issued 
  • 1 Game Played: 75% Credit issued 
  • 2 or more games played will be considered an "Official Tournament" and are not due a credit. 


Any SATB policy is subject to change at any time without notice. Any such changes will be published here. 


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